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Become a Member and Save

Become a Member and Save

Since its foundation, the vision of WSO has been a life free from stroke. Your membership – time, energy, creativity and financial support – is critical to help the World Stroke Organization achieve its vision!

WSO members get a number of benefits, including World Stroke Congress registration savings.  Stay tuned for more updates on special discounts for members!

Do you need more reasons to join WSO?

Membership of WSO connects you to a diverse but united community of individuals and organizations, committed to action on stroke prevention, treatment and support. We work with our members to strengthen the stroke community and to amplify the voice of our members. Join us in our mission to reduce the global burden of stroke.

By joining WSO you will enjoy the following exclusive benefits:

  • Free subscription and online access to the International Journal of Stroke (IJS)
  • Discount on the registration fee for the World Stroke Congress
  • Receipt of the WSO newsletter
  • Right to apply for WSO travel fellowships and awards
  • Access to Webcasts/podcasts of congress sessions
  • Listing in and access to the WSO Membership Directory
  • Right to vote for, be nominated or elected to the Board of Directors
  • Membership certificate
  • Participation in WSO committee activities and projects
  • Access to Stroke Connector
  • Research projects endorsement
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