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Industry Supported Sessions

Industry Supported Sessions

Company Name Date Time Location Session Details
Cercare Medical Wed, 23rd Oct 09:30-09:40  Exhibition Hall Coming soon
Astra Zeneca Wed, 23rd Oct 12:15-13:45  TBA Coming soon
MicroVention Thu, 24th Oct 09:30-10:00  Exhibition Hall Coming soon
EVER Pharma Thu, 24th Oct 12:00-13:00  Hall B Click here
Boehringer Ingelheim Thu, 24th Oct 12:00-13:00  Hall C Click here
Merz Therapeutics Thu, 24th Oct 12:00-12:45  Hall D Click here Thu, 24th Oct 16:45 – 16:55  Exhibition Hall Coming soon
Angels Initiative Fri,25th Oct 12:00-13:00 Hall D Click here
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